Basic Crisis Management and Instructor Training

We are happy to offer our Basic Crisis Management Training course by prior appointment to intact groups at agency sites. Smaller groups and individuals will be accommodated in other scheduled classes. The Basic Training typically consists of a 2 day intensive workshop conducted by a KWC-trained Master Trainer. Certification comes with successful completion of the workshop. Trainees must attend the entire workshop to be certified.

We also offer classes to certify individuals as Trainers in the KWC crisis management program: Crisis Management: Verbal Intervention, Personal Control, and Defensive Techniques in Crisis Situations.

Crisis Management: Verbal Intervention, Personal Control and Defensive Techniques in Crisis Situations is a training program originally developed by Kevin K. Walsh, Ph.D. It is an updated version of the same program that had been trained by The Training School at Vineland, now Elwyn NJ, since the 1980s. Use and training of this program by Elwyn NJ was terminated in 2015 and the program is now available solely from Kevin Walsh Consulting, LLC (KWC). This program remains the predominant crisis management and personal control training program used by providers of services to individuals with intellectual disabilities in New Jersey.